Help with Sebae Anemone


Premium Member
This is a newly purchased Anemone introduced to a 2 month old tank. Is he supposed to shrivel up like this?
I have had him for about 4 days now...and I feed him with frozen brine this morning with a baster.

Water Conditions
8.3 ph
79-80 degrees
2 AI vega running at Blue's at 65% and White 45%, Red 25% and Green at 25%
450 Calcium
0 ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrates

Should I be concerned by the looks of him? Also any suggestions to host my clowns?
anemones, especially sebaes are very sensitive to water conditions, that's why it is suggested that they be in established tanks. Your params look great, especially for a new tank. Does your nem have a place to kind of retreat to and foot in safety? Most anemones like to foot under a rock or in a cave like area and when they are secure they will stretch out into the light and flow.
The parameters were listed above, he finds himself attached to that rock that is shown in the pic.
I was told by LFS it wasn't hard to keep, when I reached home and researched I found otherwise. Just trying my best to keep this little thing alive!
I have never kept one of those blue tipped things from the LFS alive in my 14 month old established tank.
There are 4 bubbles, one Seabee, half dozen mini maxis in there now.

2 months may have been a bit early for it. Try gently anchoring him as mentioned.
Try not to be too upset if it doesn't make it though.
@Rsxjh wrote:
The parameters were listed above said:
I saw the params kind of late, sorry. See if you have a big rock with an underhang, and put him underneath, maybe kind of about 3 inches from the glass, but not in direct flow. Again, if he feels he is not out in the open, he might be ok (try to find a fairly dark part of your tank, mine 'nems do not like LEDs at first). I won't comment on the LFS, but what the heck, as Howard said, those are hard as heck to keep. For them to tell you otherwise is not good, no offense to them. I've found the heartiest 'nems seem to be the SRBTA but I'd still back off at 2 months. They hate stuff like nitrate spikes, etc.
one more piece of advice, do not let it die in your tank or watch it and as soon as it does, get it out of there. There is nothing smellier and nasty as a dead sebae. They just kind of disintegrate. I had one die and my clean-up crew actually ran from it. I hope that yours pulls through, they are a beautiful anemone!