Hammer Coral Extension

Alright, so I'm looking for some opinions on this one... I have a neon green hammer coral, and I've had it in the tank for about 3 weeks now. Originally, the coral looked like this most of the time, when the lights were on:

(This pic was taken when only the blue lights were on, before the coral closed up for the night)

Since then, I've dimmed my white light to about 60%, as I felt the lighting was just too intense for the depth of my tank (I have 1 full white Reefbrite XHO and 2 full blue XHOs on my tank). I have not changed the position of the hammer, and the flow in the tank is the same as before. Here's what the coral looks like now, most of the time:


My question is: was my hammer coral overextended before, or is it too contracted now? I've been told that the way it looks now is more "natural," but I felt like it looked a little better before. I just want to make sure it's happy! Thanks!
How is the flow in your tank? My octospawn does that when there is a lot of flow in its general area.
My experience with euphyllia corals is that they will adapt. I've never found a place in the tank that they didn't adapt. They will look different. But will adapt. We found that a torch coral we put in high flow grew quicker than one placed in low flow. The heads were longer. If I want to grow it for fragging, I put it in high flow.

Yeah, I'm wondering if it's just a matter of waiting for it to get used to the new conditions. It's only been about 5 days or so...
As long as it's not getting blown away, I wouldn't worry about it. Mine seem to like any kind of light. They just grow differently I can take a piece of the same coral and put it in different parts of the tank and they will look nothing alike.
