Had Erectus Fry Today! New Pics

Are you hoping to trap them against the screen so you can remove them from the tank, of just keep them out of the skimmer? If the latter, it might be wiser to put that on the outside of the box so the seahorses don't get sucked between the teeth in the first place.

However, you might be able to tell if they have the energy to swim back out now that you have that barrier in place.

Also, you might have to clean that frequently to prevent it clogging up with detritus and foods.

To answer your questions, both. I actually tried placing it in front of the overflow teeth, but when I do, a film builds on the water surface and looks pretty ugly. The fry, especially right after birth are not strong ehough to swim back through the teeth so hopefully it will work to capture them. I have been keeping it clean, but not much extra food is left after feedings so it has not been too much of an issue, but I do check it 2x per day.

This is really a temporary solution until we get our Oceanic 37g "cube" (24" long x 18" deep x 24" tall) set up for the adults so we can move them from our kids playroom to our living room so we can watch them more. I am skinning the stand with oak and building a canopy this weekend (or at least starting). Holes are being drilled in the tank next week and I will install an overflow box and plumbing.

Good idea to trap them because your male does look pregnant. He could have easily gotten pregnant right after he had the babies. He will probably have a lot more babies this time. Mine had about 8 babies the first time and 130 the second time. Its a good thing you are setting up a bigger tank so you have room for more seahorses.
Lee & Shaunda;

How are those "big" fry doing now? Have you tried tempting them with any frozen cyclopeeze yet?

My batch from Saturday are doing well. I only found 12 fry in the tank and have lost just one. Daddy boy was flirting up a storm on Saturday within hours of having his fry. I guess it doesn't help that I have 4 girls and just two boys!

Our teenagers are doing well. We have tried cyclopeeze, but they don't seem too interested. They are growing so well though. I hope the transfer to frozen isn't terrible!

It's crazy that your male is already flirting!! You are surrounding him with girls though : ) I say that, but our male is pregnant AGAIN so we may have more in no time.

12 is exactly how many we had that first time.

Keep us posted!