Green slimer


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[I got this coral from a fellow reefer (Thanks Peter!) last year. It was 8/03:


Now, it didn't do well and Cyano grew on it daily. It was virtually dead, with just the tiniest speck of green left on one branch. At that point, I gave up in disgust, but didn't move it.

It started to recover, literally growing new green tissue over the coralline covered branches and this is what it looks like less than 8 months later:




It is doing nicely, and there are so many new branches starting up that I have great hopes for this coral.]
[About a week ago, a third piece split off the larger section, and for a few days I observed it. I really didn't think it was ready to eat anything, and suddenly it looked really bad.

I tried to feed it some of Nick's food, but within a couple of hours it dissolved and disappeared. Last night I was using a turkey baster to blow off some detritus, and the stringy ooze came out a crevice and I was able to siphon it into the baster to get it out of the system.

I still have the two, and I fed them last night. However, they don't have the desire to eat krill it seems. I guess the portions are too big, even though a krill seems quite small. I'll have to target feed them with some processed stuff for the next few days to help them engorge more.

The slimer continues to do quite well!]

When I do upgrade to the larger tank, I'm going to take my time on that so that I dont go through what I did with my 55g.

I think we all have to get over the excitement phase before we learn and ACCEPT the do's and do nots of marine tank ecology/biology.

I'm a lot more patient now then I was then. I least I think I am. My wallet is helping me be patient too.
[Nice Slimmer frag!

I now have three of these little jewels. Cant wait for them to grow enogh to frag without completely pieceing out my colonies of this one.]