Frag attempt - Colt coral

[I have a colt coral that I am ready to frag.

Do I just cot off the branches that I want to frag?

Do I need to doctor the cut areas?]
[Just cut them where you want. They are really really slimey. I've had success by wedging the cut pieces against two rocks and leaving them for a couple of weeks to attach.


This is the colt frag I got from you a while back. It is growing nicely.

What do you use to weld them with... I am assumming just some gel super glue..?]
[Colts are extremely slimey! Really the only way is to put them between 2 rocks or put a toothpick through it with rubberbands.]
[With the colt, you cannot weld it. It just slimes way too much. super glue or epoxy won't work. You just have to wedge it between two rocks or an opening in a rock and hold it there so it doesn't move for about two weeks. It will attach itself to the rock. I would wedge it in a hole in the rock and use another rock on top to hold it and use a rubber band to hold the rocks together. If you use a rubber band to hold the colt, I've found that it will slice the colt.

[OK guys.... I screwed the pouch o this attempt. I cut 2 frags off a good size colt.... stuck a tooth pick through the bottom portion, put it between a couple of rocks, and rubber banded them.... trying not to make it too tight.

about 36 hours later my frags have just melted away....

The main coral I cut them off of is still a little shriveled up but i think he is going to be fine.

did i cut them too small....?

did i cut them wrong ....?

did i set he rubber bands too tight...?]
[It happens sometimes when the frags are small. Plus, I have also had the rubberbands to tight and caused the same result. Keep at it it takes some practice... Colts are little difficult. :glare:]
[I never had any luck fragging colts. I tried all the differant methods but ended up losing all the cuttings. They just disintergrated. A lot people have great success with them, others don't! I don't know why mine always died, the parent colonies grew like weeds and were huge. I hope you have better luck!]