finger leather has black stuff on it.

the last week or so the figer leather i have has not opened up.

today i noticed black stuff all over the stalk.

i took a pic but then found out my wife let the father inlaw borrow the cable to download pics to the comp so i cant post it.

i have done a freash water dip. should i start fragen where the black stuff is not?

perameters are fine trats are a little high, just over 20. every thing else i can test for is 0.

Erk. . .take this entirely with a grain of salt. My finger leather is all sorts of sentimental (must be female). Has a tad of cyano on the stalk, base, bottom, whatnot? I've never seen it polyp (it's supposed to be green) It's not dead. I can't tell. I visited a friend's aquarium and there's was another finger leather similar. Just reclusive, and shrunken. From my exp in gorg's. Clean it off, but only time will tell, and without a photo I can't pretend to diagnois anything anyhow. Just if you didn't know some finger leathers are, um. . tempermental. .?

Just mentioning.
@Jaguar wrote:
Erk. . .take this entirely with a grain of salt. My finger leather is all sorts of sentimental (must be female). Has a tad of cyano on the stalk said:
ya i cleaned it off last night, its looking worst then ever now... ill have to see what it looks like when i get home from work.
Is it an algae?

If it's hard, and not goopey, I would cut it off. But if it's slimy, a cleaning may be all it needs.
Does it look like this?
