Dwarf Seahorses Diary

here are some pics and videos of my dwarf seahorses.

sorry the videos are small.

So I was watching them one night and they started mating. Well, there are 3 males fighting over a female, so one male got may be 5 eggs (guessing), and he dropped one, and then they separated... after a while, the males started fighting, with their pouch all bloated and the hole open, they were pecking at each other. Finally another male courts the same female, and was getting her eggs when the original male came and broke them up, this is when I got the camera ready for the video. You can see the orange thing hanging from the female, those are the eggs that dropped because the first male broke up the courtship... :(


They all started mating after water change yesterday.

This is a video of the male having babies:

the first 2 pics below was right after the first transfer, but one egg didn't make it into the pouch so it fell out. The orange ball is the egg. I don't think it's fertilized.