Domino damsel hosting in a green bta

[Domino Damsel hosting in a green BTA. I just recently added a Green BTA hopeing that my clown fish would host in it. On saturday I noticed that my Domino Damsel is hosting in it instead. Has anyone else observed a domino damsel hosting in a BTA before? I will try to get a picture of the damsel hosting if i can. I always thought only clown and certin crabs would do that.

[They do it quite often in the wild. Clowns are in the damselfish family so it's not as much of a stretch as you might think!]
[When I was researching the hobby, I was reading about how damsel fish are used to season tanks. Anyways, one of the things I came across was data about how the domino damsel in particular is more suited to host in anemone that the clown fish, due to skin/gill slime. Apparently the domino damsel can enter into the anemones stomach and be just fine in the digestive fluids. No wonder they are considered hearty enough for initial nitrogen periods, even though that is absolutely cruel.]