Dallas-area Water Storage Tank Sellers


Premium Member
I've been interested in upgrading my RO/DI & saltwater storage containers from the 32 gal Brute trashcans that I've used for years to something like 100 gal poly water storage containers.  It would reduce how often I need to run my RO/DI unit (+ how closely that I need to monitor it) and make mixing salt less of a guessing game.I've looked into these water storage containers a number of times, but shipping from online retailers is as much or more than the tank itself, and the only tanks I've come across on CraigsList tend to be either 55 gal drums or 250+ gal.Is there anywhere to buy and pickup these tanks locally?  (For addt'l context, I'm looking for the cylindrical, "standing" type tanks.)  
As you've pointed out, 250+ gallon and 55 gallon barrels are the easy ones (which is why my RO started in 55's plumbed together).  Building as simple rack and putting 55's on top of each other saves some space.  Normally in that case I fill the top with fresh, have one valve to drain it to the bottom drum where salt is made, and another to drain it to a hose/bucket/jug for top off water.The farm/fleet supply stores have several other sizes, but a higher per gallon cost.  Online you have places like Tank Depot, although I've never bough from them.