clam question


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Purchased 2 Maxima Clams and noticed both have small tears in the mantles. These are my first clams. They seem healthy and open up fully and respond to the hand of the light.

I need sugestions cause I dont know what to do.
Nothing I have is nipping. The clams are brand new. Only had them 2 days. Can clams repair themselfs when they have a rip in their mantle?
When you say tear are you talking about the edge of the mantle is torn or is there a hole in the mantle in the area with the inhalent and exhalent siphons?

I have a derasa that a few years back had a hole in the mantle area near the exhalent siphon. It stayed closed for a while and would not open fully but it eventually healed completely.
No angles. Mostly wrasses and a couple of tangs. The clam looks like someone took a razor and made a small little slit right in the middle of the mantle when it is open. As I said. The clam is healthy. just a little slit looking area in the mantle.