Brazilian Reef Fishes Book is the Most Comprehensive Reference to Date

Fish Think Pink

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Brazilian-Reef-Fishes-Book-2.pngBrazilian Reef Fishes Book is the Most Comprehensive Reference to Date​


We knew this book would be good, but we didn’t know just how good it would be until we downloaded a preview from the publisher. Peixes Recifais Brasileiros, or Brazilian Reef Fishes, is a brand-new 320-page hardback book compiled by dozens of leading Brazilian ichthyologists, academics, and authors including Dr.Luiz Rocha, most notably.

A reference book, this new publication is the most detailed and most comprehensive reference on Brazilian saltwater fishes to date, including all 446 species that live along Brazil’s Western Atlantic coastline, and even undescribed species, every one of them expertly profiled to include their size, depth, habitat, diet, behavior, ecology, and geographical range as well as a detailed introduction to all the fish families and genera.

For more information, please go to the full thread: