Banggaii Cardinal Fish Not Eating - Very Concerned

I have a Nano Cube 24 that just over 3 months old with various soft corals (5) and 2 fish. One fish is a firefish goby and the other is a banggaii cardinal and they both have been in the tank for almost 2 weeks, this Saturday will make 2 weeks. Up until last night both fish ate very well every night when fed but last night and tonight the banggaii has not even acknowledged food. I am feeding once a night and alternating frozen mysis shrimp and brine shrimp and am feeding 1/3 of a cube a night. I am adding the frozen food to a small container of aquarium water then straining it through a net. The banggaii has just stayes over in one corner and floats up and down in the water. I don’t notice any other irregular activity other than not eating. The banggaii normally shoots to the front of the tank and eats quickly and aggressively. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

I lost a lawnmower blenny and a clown about a month ago so I waited a while until I added any other fish to the tank.

Any help or input would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks Marc. Hopefully someone will have some suggestions. I wonder if I should try to feed him live food? It is odd that he ate for a week and half then stopped eating.
First off I would say that is way too much feeding for that many fish. I have 6 fish and feed maybe a 1/3 cube every other day.

Either way though, overfeeding wont make them not eat, unless of course its enough to throw your parameters off. You could also try adding liquid garlic to the food to entice them to eat.
Unfortunately it is very common for wild caught Banggai to die up to 3 weeks after you get them home. It is believed a virus that is contracted through the holding tanks when they are shipped is the cause. This virus may be a natural occuring virus in home aquaria or fish stores too but the stress of capturing methods, long shipping times, and poor shipping methods weaken Banggai enough to make the susceptible to allow the disease to grow. The Banggai are one of the only fish that I'm aware of that is effected by the virus. If I'm right then within a couple of days he may sink to the bottom with his chin on the sand and float there.
I'm hoping they are captive bred and he's just being picky. Only buy captive bred Banggai is my only suggestion. You could ask your fish store to order some from ORA but it will take a while to get them.
On the good side, I have had Banggai not eat for a day because I moved something around or added something to the tank. So let's keep our fingers crossed.