Anemone Losing Color

Hey guys, I have a quick question. What would cause an anemone to lose it's color? Too much light? or too little?
I have two anemone, a RBTA and a GBTA. The RBTA is flourishing in my tank and is absolutely stunning. The GBTA; however, is not doing all that well. It lost all of it's color and is just tannish now. I do feed both anemones every other day and they both readily accept the food.
Can you post a picture? It could be too much light, too little light, the wrong light, its diet... anemones have zooxanthallae and that symbiotic algae can take on a different color. My original BTAs came from a lime-green BTA that turned golden brown and never went back. Here's the picture of it a few months later, no green in sight:

Here are some pictures. I took a picture of both anemone just to give an idea that the other one is doing well. I recently placed the GBTA in the container yesterday. I was going to give him away to someone who could properly take care of it and bring it back to good health. I decided to post here first to see if there was anything I could do.