I haven't seen any in a long time. Dinkins is local but they are doing theirs as a business. They will be at the mini frag swap this weekend, so if you drop by they may have some deals going on.Hi,
Does anyone know where I can find copepods locally?
I saw some at the LFS but the price to quantity didn't seem great.
What kind of fish do you have that are eating them?We add Dinkins Copepods & Rotifers monthly and dose Phyto daily.
That's what I'm planning to do, half and half. I have a bare bottom with a good bit of rock, and only clowns as the predators. hoping they can establish themselves before introducing a mandarin.I had a Mandarin but there’s a nasty in my tank that is taking out fish but still have a sixline wrasse and fox face for now.
Take this with a grain of salt as I’m still new to this but depending on the age of the tank, an area with no predators and lots of crevices surface area I would think that you could successfully keep them going long term. I put half of them in my sump and half in the display.