HM's 40b build (will work on title)

@Marc wrote:
Can we see a full tank shot? said:
Sure, the lights won't be up for another or so so these are just my blues.



I've got some sort of weird event going on with my chalices, they expell all their zoo and turn white on me. I suspect this is some sort of bacterial issue as its not effecting any other corals. So the white things you see on those two chalices, that's whats going on there.





So my chalices, individually, have been doing whatever the heck this is. They're perfectly healthy then they slowly start doing this. The entire thing will eventually turn this white and then the flesh will start dying. Thoughts? Perhaps has something to do with the 2 tbs of GFO that dissolved into my tank? This has been going on for about two months. I've lost half of chalices all of which were growing. Nothing has changed (to lazy to change anything) in the tank.
Any other corals close by? My fungia plate coral started munching on my chalice and had to move it...

Maybe lighting issue? If running bulbs..time to change?
Nope, no other corals near by.

I don't think its lighting, I haven't changed my lights in a while. I'm running LEDs and they're only about a year old now so I wouldn't think my diodes are going bad yet.

This is behaving more like a disease. It started with larger chalice then slowly progressed to the other chalices but only after each one was pretty much devoid of color.