Ca reactors


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I've finally been greenlighted to spend the $$ for a calcium reactor!

I am pretty sure of which I want but it is awfully pricey.

Like before with bulbs, I would like to hear some opinions please. ( I went with what I knew btw, 13k geissmanns)


Who does and doesn't run a Ph controller?

What should I be looking for in a regulator?

Where in Tarrant Co can you get bottles filled?

Can I buy a bottle locally for a reasonable price?
Dont know about that brand. I do belive there is another thread asking about this brand as well.

I personally use ReefTek. I use the Milwaukee brand of Controller and Regulator. I am not 100% sure that you need the controller (Several on the board don't use them) but it is nice to know that I will not over dose my tank.

To use a controller, the regulator must have a solenoid (not all do) also you do not need a dual gauge regulator. You only need one gauge.

As to the tank, not sure. I ordered mine (new) off eBay.
Thats a good choice. Im running a GEO reactor. I find it very easy to set up. I love it to say the least. I dont think I would run one without a controller...just that saftey factor, ya know? it will keep my media from turning to mush if its got too much co2. I too use a Milwauke controller.

As far as a bottle, I just went to the air/gas and rented a tank. If one buys, you have to keep up with the safty of it (heck, whats the work im looking for? :p )
I do belive there is another thread asking about this brand as well said:
Wow I should have done a search before now, lots of the same questions. Recently too.
I have a geo that I will be setting up soon. It is very nice and built well. I got it from Exotic Aquatics along with a milwaukee ph controller, co2 regulator, schuran media, marc l. drip chamber, and a 20 lb co2 bottle from member mesquite. I would send a message to mesquite to check on a bottle. In his business he comes across a few of them.
And you can refill the bottles at Two-Bucks Liquor off Felix and I35 in south Ft Worth.

I run a pH controller into an effluent cup, so I don't have to tinker with the Ca Reactor.
@Marc wrote:
And you can refill the bottles at Two-Bucks Liquor off Felix and I35 in south Ft Worth. I run a pH controller into an effluent cup said:
Do they only do refills or can I purchase a new tank from them and have them fill it?
the cup gives you a true measure of the reactor. I believe the set point is 6.8 (ARM media) so the controller will shut of the co2 and never mush (melt) your media.
If the Ca REactor has a ph probe holder which the one listed does you do not need the cup.

Mine also has the holder the ph probe goes directly into the reactor chamber.