110 gallon Stock Tank Lagoon

It has been over a year since I have posted, but recently moved and need to build a tank that has a little bit more portability to it. I had to move my 125 gallon from one home to another, but did not have the option of setting it back up due to short period of time I will possibly be at my new home. I moved the rock and livestock in a 110 gallon stock tank and discovered that the foot print worked real well for the fish.  I like having the open sand so that I can have a small ray which will get moved upon outgrowing the tank. I am in the process of building it and have some photos. The lagoon itself has not had filtration for over 2 months and only has a heater, power head and lighting on it.  No water issues, but I have done water changes so that helps. 125lbs of live rock has been in it doing its job. I plan to finish the plumbing this weekend so I can get a skimmer on it and fill it up completely.  After that I will add a decorative exterior and new lights.  I am hoping to add some coral and anemones to it once full. 125 gallon is for sale if anyone is interested.View attachment 3575
Slowly but surely I am adding water and rock.  I have about 250lbs of rock in the lagoon now and do not plan to add anymore. I continue water changes and have a power-head to move and aerate the water. Hopefully I can locate a few pendant lights that will allow me to eliminate the large t5 light that is currently on the tank. I will be plumbing the fuge and protein skimmer this weekend along with finishing the cover.View attachment 3630
Wow that is pretty cool! I always loved the look down lagoon style tanks.Kessils might be a good option for lights, there are some good DIY options as well.
Kessils are a good option, AI Prime's are also pretty cool. If you wanted to get fancy, we could get some BlueAcro LED arrays. Mount them on some circular heat sinks add a narrow reflector and mount them on the ceiling!
Conduit hangers are a great option. You could mount them to the stand or the wall depending on the look you wanted. My favorite guide for DIY conduit hanger - https://www.nano-reef.com/forums/topic/350540-how-to-build-a-light-bar-perfect-for-wire-hanging-nano-box-units/?tab=comments#comment-4815740If you want a more polished look, you could use 80/20 aluminum extrusions. https://www.google.com/search?q=80/20+light+hanger+reef&source=lnt&tbs=qdr:y&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjp447p6aXYAhUDOSYKHYfUDtsQpwUIIQ&biw=1280&bih=669Just to mention, the Kessil options have a narrow and wide angle option. The narrow option could be great if you wanted to hang the lights pretty high above the lagoon. 
My evaporation rate had almost tripled since starting the filter, but I am going to slow that down by covering the sump as much as possible. 
Finally got the time to add a cover around the side. Added a nem that appears to be thriving and is actually being hosted by my black and white clown. I have decided to keep the t5 lights and have replaced the bulbs. I will be working on getting a top built and light mount to move the lights further off of the surface.View attachment 4062