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  1. J


    Can someone post where we can change our password? Concerned someone may have gotten mine.
  2. J


    Seems the clock is really off --nothing to do with DST.
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  4. J


    I have a couple Radions that need repair. Someone posted they had sent one off to get their’s repair. Can someone give me the email or contact info? Thanks
  5. J


    I have a Radion xr30 GP Pro that stopped working. Any ideas on troubleshooting it? Can it be fixed?
  6. J


    Trying to change my password. When I click on change pw it takes me to a screen that I cannot find area to change it. Help
  7. J

    Brute trash can and wheels dolly

    Large Brute trash can and wheels for only $30 for both — this weekend.  Only used to store live rock and mix saltwater for my aquarium.  
  8. J

    Brute Trash Can and dolly

    I have a large brute trash can and dolly for sale. This has only been used for making salt water -- I do not need it any longer.Both for $50.Mansfield
  9. J

    Coraline algae

    Would have a small live rock covered in purple algae or a few shavings from a rock -- so I can get it started in my new tank.  I have none to seed my tank with.I plan to be at the Coral Fest Saturday and could meet you there whenever you can show up. Happy to pay for it. Just let me know 
  10. J


    I need some cheto to add to my refugium.  Anyone have some?  Maybe I could get it at the upcoming frag swap?  LMK
  11. J

    Free. THIS morning only— saturday

    Overflow box -- the kind that you drill through the back of the tank 36" T5 Eight bulb fixture -- works great (needs to be mounted) -- most bulbs are good -- a could need replacing 48" retrofit T5 lights (all parts) with 2 ballasts -- I never used them -- some assembly required (lol) -- a couple...
  12. J

    Moving sale

    Trying to clear out a few things prior to our move.Overflow box with 4 U-tubes   $20Overflow box -- the kind that you drill through the back of the tank  $536" T5 Eight bulb fixture -- works great (needs to be mounted) -- most bulbs are good -- a could need replacing -- $7548" retrofit T5 lights...
  13. J

    Fish Sale

    I will be moving soon and have decided to take down my tank until after moving then set it up at the new place. Was thinking I could keep the fish but have decided it will be less stressful for me and the fish if I sell them to a good home.  Here is what I have:Mated pair of DaVinci (from Sea...
  14. J

    60 gallon reef ready cube for sale

    I am moving and need to sell my 60 gallon reef ready cubeDimensions:  23 x 23 x 24 (tall)including cherry stand (nice looking), sump (glass), return pump, plumbing, dj switch, heater, reef ready LED lights (blue and white lights only)setup and running -- you can save the water and sand.Fish and...
  15. J

    Moving: Fish for sale

    I will be moving soon and have decided to take down my tank until after moving the set it up at the new place. Was thinking I could keep the fish but have decided it will be less stressful for me and the fish if I sell them to a good home.  Here is what I have:Mated pair of DaVinci (from Sea and...
  16. J

    Cover/shell for Aquarium and top

    I have a furniture-quality shell/cover for my aquarium and a matching top.  They are 6 foot long and two foot wide but could be cut-down to fit other size tanks.  The top has two sets (of 2 door) for easy access to the top of the aquarium without having to lift the big piano-hedged opening at...
  17. J

    Reeflo Pump/skimmer

    Reeflo pump works great.  See pictures.  Need it gone soon -- $50.Skimmer needs new pump(s)  -- Free SW Arlington
  18. J

    Keystone KSTAD50B Energy Star Dehumidifier, 50-Pint

    Perfect for a fish room or for a small room with a large fish tank. I used it for only about 3 months prior to taking down the aquarium in the room with it. Works great.  Retails for over $200. Selling for $100.SW Arlington
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    Purple tang

    I have a purple tang that is losing his home.  He has been in a 120 gallon aquarium but I am moving him into a holding tank.LiveAquaria sell purple tangs for $180 to 200 (small to medium). Mine is a medium size. Healthy and happy -- eats whatever you toss in the tank.  Terrific tank mate...
  20. J

    Purple Tang

    I have a purple tang which I have had for about a year. He lives in one of my tanks that I am taking down and I don't want to add him in with the large yellow tangs in the other tank. He is very healthy, eats like a horse and has incredible color.$175