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  1. J

    A few pics of some of my favorite inverts

    Just wanted to share a few pics. Our pistol shrimp has finally gotten more bold and has allowed us to take a few shots of him, and the other is our peacock mantis running away after a food grab. Enjoy.
  2. J

    show me some pics.

    Will anyone that has purple death, purple people eater and nuclear green palys post some pics of them from your tanks please. Also post some pics if you have something similar to these. I have really started to want some of these and just want to see how they have done in other people's tanks...
  3. J

    I just want to show my 2 nano mantis shrimp tanks.

    The 36 gallon bowfront Lps tank was just recently invaded by our new peacock mantis. I am sure there will be a thread in the invert section for this new addition to our family. The 10 gallon homes a small wennerae mantis. I don't have pictures of the mantises yet, but wanted to show the tanks.
  4. J

    I want to show off a few of my favorite inverts.

    I really enjoy all of the different invertebrate wildlife species, and I have a few I want to share. I just added a Peacock Mantis shrimp to our list of inverts and lost a blue crab that I got as a hitchiker. Gladly lost, but lost none the less. We also have 2 other mantises, but they are...
  5. J

    Finally, Peacock Mantis acclimating right now.

    I will try to post pictures soon. We have waited forever to make sure the tank is very stable and it is. Well today being my wife's birthday she told me she wanted to add the mantis so we did. I would like to thank Fish Tomorrow for holding this beautiful mantis for us. I will try to update...
  6. J

    I have a question about an algae.

    The scientific name of the algae I am looking at is Cladophora prolifera. It looks a lot like hair algae, and is being sold on as toadstool algae. I am really just wanting to make sure this is not the basic run of the mill hair algae. I have read the reviews of this and it...
  7. J

    red/orange flower or rock anemone!

    I have been looking for one of these anywhere I can think of. Has anyone seen any for sale lately? I have 3 different rock anemones in our 55, and I love them. They don't require as much lighting as the others so it is perfect for our set up. I just want the extra color and pop the red one...
  8. J

    has anyone else happened across a blue crab?

    I am just curious as I bought a little rock out of Florida and got one as a hitchiiker. It cracks me up. It would already be gone, but it is in the soon to be mantis tank. It has already molted a few times and is as big around as a $.50 piece.
  9. J

    Something cool happened.

    I don't have pictures yet, but I want to share something that happened to me. I went to Tranquil Scape(great store btw) and I saw a frag of yellow palys on a neat looking piece of branch rock. Almost all of the branch was just normal looking except for one part that is bone white. We bought...
  10. J

    Some pics of our 55 gallon (early stages)

    I finally got around to resizing some of our pics and wanted to share. These pics are from the earlier months in our tank and because I hadn't educated myself well at this point we lost a few things. Mainly the ones my wife loved the most :sad:
  11. J

    Anyone willing to help.

    I have a few things I need help with. First I will let you know what my system is comprised of. It is a 55 gallon non rr tank. I have a HOB 2.5 gal refugium with macro algaes (thanks Frank) I also have a HOB CPR Bakpak skimmer. 2 300 gph powerheads and an emporer 400 biowheel. There is...
  12. J

    Quick question

    Thank you for reading and any response will be helpful. I have a sun coral that is beautiful, but is in a semi-hard to feed spot. I am wanting to know if I can use stainless steel hemostats to feed, or will I have to worry about the metal harming my tank. Currently I use a turkey baster to...
  13. J

    Lighting question.

    Hi, and thank you for reading. I have a question, and while thinking about it it may come off as a dumb question, but advertizing gets me. :oops: Currently I am running a 4x 54 watt compact flourescent lighting set-up on a 55 gallon tank. I have been reading about some other types of...