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  1. J

    Rbta sold

    Sold, thank you for your interest
  2. J


    I will do another water change today, also is there any place I can pick that stuff up locally? The amino acid seems like it will help. Unfortunately my acid rain anenome passed
  3. J


    I just did a 20% water change and I do have carbon I can put in. I will see if the carbon helps. Doesn't look like my acid rain anenome is gonna make it. Contemplating whether or not I should take him out or leave him in the tank. Can of hard to tell from the pictures but that's him. I still see...
  4. J


    Is there anyway to get my frags back to health asap! I bought some live brine shrimp and told them I wanted them in saltwater. Well they put them in fresh and I dumped the bag in water and all. It dropped my salinity to 1.015 for like 2hr or 3 hours till I got it back up. I realized to late I'm...
  5. J

    Rbta sold

    Looking to sell/trade. Need gone 76134
  6. J


    Would anybody be interested? Will trade for frags as well. Offer?
  7. J


    Looking for someone who cultures then as it's twice as cheap but I'll check them out thanks
  8. J


    Does anybody have copepods for sale? Looking to seed my tank with different kinds. Already added a Tigger bottle but would like more
  9. J

    Live rock

    I bought live rock and can see it has bubble alge and probably bristle worms as well. It's currently in a 30 gal container. Can I do a fresh water dip or should I let the rock dry and then cycle it? I'm setting up a new tank that would be mostly corals. Getting back into the game after losing...
  10. J

    Gauging interest-Red Sea Reefer 350

    Still available?
  11. J

    Dry rock (Sold)

    I have almost 75lbs of dry rock. (73¼lbs) Asking $150 for all of it. Pick up in (76134) I have pics of each rock and weight on each one. Can msg or email all pics
  12. J

    Does anyone make overflow boxes?

    I need 2 overflow boxes does anybody make any?
  13. J

    reef ready vs overflow box

    I was wondering if there is a big difference between reef ready and a over flow box. Pros and cons? On both of them.
  14. J

    29g biocube LEDs

    I want to retrofit the hood of my 29g to LEDs but don't know where to start I have about $200 to spend need help. Thanks
  15. J


    Are all LEDs the same? Blue and white?
  16. J


    I have a 29g biocube that I want to retrofit but I want some advise and recommendations for it. Never but a led light together either.