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    Anniversary Sale this Weekend!

    Hello Friends! Our anniversary sale will be going on this weekend ONLY! 50% off on all livestock. We hope you see you all here! ;):LOL:
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    This weekend we are having a sale of 50% OFF OF ALL FISH AND CORAL

    This weekend the 18th and 19th we will have our big sale 50% fish and coral! We hope to see you here!
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    Anniversary Sale 50 %off fish and coral this weekend

    This weekend the 18th and 19th we will have a 50% off sale on fish and coral! Hope to see you here
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    20 Gallons of FREE Water all Weekend @ Saltwater Paradise

    We are offering 20 gallons of R/O fresh or Salt Water FREE with any $25 LIVESTOCK Purchase ALL WEEKEND starting TodayPlease don't ask to buy livestock and get water at a later dateYou must bring your own jugs or purchase jugs for $9.99 ea= Come in today and check out all the great deals.  ...
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    Clownfish starting @ #12.99 All Weekend @ saltwater Paradise

    We have an Incredible Sale All WEEKEND Starting TODAYWe have the following Specials Fancy False Percula Clowns sm $12.99Black and White Clown $19.99 Snowflake Clown $39.99Flurry Clown $39.99Picasso Clown $39.99Fancy Snowflake Clown $49.99Snow Onyx Clown $39.99Gladiator/Divinchi Clown...
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    25% OFF ALL Fish All Weekend starting TODAY

    We will be offering 25% OFF ALL Fish ALL WEEKEND starting TODAY We have our tanks FULL of awesome HEALTHY FISH and CORALS!!!! Come check out all the GREAT DEALS ALL WEEKEND!!!!! Saltwater Paradise 1313 W Airport Frwy Irving 75062 972-893-1511
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    20 Gallons of FREE Saltwater All Weekend @ Saltwater Paradise

    We are offering 20 gallons of R/O fresh or Salt Water FREE with any $25 LIVESTOCK Purchase ALL WEEKEND starting TodayPlease don't ask to buy livestock and get water at a later dateYou must bring your own jugs or purchase jugs for $9.99 ea=Come in today and check out all the great deals. Please...
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    Clowns starting @ $12.99 All Weekend

    We have an Incredible Sale All WEEKEND Starting TODAYWe have the following SpecialsFancy False Percula Clowns sm $12.99Black and White Clown $19.99Snowflake Clown $39.99Flurry Clown $39.99Picasso Clown $39.99Gold Nugget Clown $49.99Fancy Snowflake Clown $49.99Snow Onyx Clown...
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    25% Off ALL Tangs ALL Weekend @ Saltwater Paradise

    We will be offering 25% OFF ALL TANGS ALL WEEKEND starting TomorrowWe have the following in stock Yellow TangNaso Tang Md[Regal Tang MdPurple Tang MdUnicorn Tang SmDesjardini Tang LGMimic Tang MdYellow Eye Kole Tang MdSailfin Tang Md]Powder Blue Tang Lg We have our tanks FULL of awesome HEALTHY...
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    25% OFF All Fish All Weekend

    We will be offering 25% OFF ALL Fish ALL WEEKEND starting FridayWe have our tanks FULL of awesome HEALTHY FISH and CORALS!!!!Come check out all the GREAT DEALS ALL WEEKEND!!!!!Saltwater Paradise1313 W Airport FrwyIrving
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    20 Gallons of FREE water All Weekend see details inside

    We are offering 20 gallons of R/O fresh or Salt Water FREE with any $25 LIVESTOCK Purchase ALL WEEKEND starting TomorrowPlease don't ask to buy livestock and get water at a later dateYou must bring your own jugs or purchase jugs for $9.99 ea=Come in today and check out all the great...
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    Clownfish Starting @ $12.99

    We have an Incredible Sale All WEEKEND Starting TODAYWe have the following SpecialsFancy False Percula Clowns sm $12.99Black and White Clown $19.99Snowflake Clown $39.99Flurry Clown $39.99Picasso Clown $39.99Round Longfin Clown $39.99Gold Nugget Clown $49.99Fancy Snowflake Clown $49.99Snow Onyx...
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    We will be closed Jan 1st for New Years

    We will be closing early tomorrow @ 2pm for New Years Eve and will bne closed Jan 1st for New Years day.We hope everyone has a safe and Happy New YearsThanks Saltwater Paradise
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    Clean Up Crew Specials ALL WEEKEND

    Here at Saltwater Paradise we have a great deal on Clean-Up Crew Packages All Weekend Starting TomorrowWe are offering the following specialsAstrea or Margarita Snails $.75 ea for 12 or moreMexican Turbo, Nassaris or Trochus Snails $1.99 eaRed Leg or Blue Leg Hermit Crabs $.75 ea for 12 or...
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    25% OFF All Fish All weekend Starting Friday

    We will be offering 25% OFF ALL Fish ALL WEEKEND starting FridayWe will be CLOSED Tomorrow for Thanksgiving.We have our tanks FULL of awesome HEALTHY FISH and CORALS!!!!Come check out all the GREAT DEALS ALL WEEKEND!!!!!Saltwater Paradise1313 W Airport FrwyIrving...
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    20 Gallons of FREE saltwater with Purchase

    We are offering 20 gallons of R/O fresh or Salt Water FREE with any $25 LIVESTOCK Purchase ALL WEEKEND starting TodayPlease don't ask to buy livestock and get water at a later dateYou must bring your own jugs or purchase jugs for $9.99 eaWe will be CLOSED next Thursday for Thanksgiving.We will...
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    Lots of NEW fish and Coral @ Saltwater Paradise

    We received a NICE CORAL shipments( OUR TANKS ARE FULL OF NEW CORALS) plus a shipment with some NICE fish as well.6" MAXIMA CLAMSBlack Widow Rose AnemoneRose AnemoneGreen Bubble AnemoneSunburst Rose AnemoneSebae AnemoneL.T. AnemoneEightline WrasseAsst Fairy WrasseMagnificent FoxfaceFoxfaceFiji...
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    20 Gallons of FREE Saltwater with purchase All Weekend

    We are offering 20 gallons of R/O fresh or Salt Water FREE with any $25 LIVESTOCK Purchase ALL WEEKEND starting TomorrowPlease don't ask to buy livestock and get water at a later dateYou must bring your own jugs or purchase jugs for $9.99 eaWe will be CLOSED next Thursday for Thanksgiving.We...
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    50% OFF Fish and Coral Saltwater Paradise

    [It is that time again Please SHARE if You like][We are having our Anniversary Sale TODAY][We will open @ 10AM and the 50% OFF ALL fish and Coral in stock will be going on ALL DAY][We will have snacks and drinks as well as a GREAT RAFFLE][Our tanks will be PACKED with AWESOME FISH AND CORAL][We...
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    Saltwater Paradise 50% OFF All FISH and Coral Tomorrow

    [It is that time again Please SHARE if You like][We are having our Anniversary Sale this Saturday Nov 16th ][We will open @ 10AM and the 50% OFF ALL fish and Coral in stock will be going on ALL DAY][We will have snacks and drinks as well as a GREAT RAFFLE][Our tanks will be PACKED with AWESOME...