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    New Saltwater has film on the top of it??

    I have been brewing some salt water for a week now In a brute. Opened it up to do a water change and this is what it looks like. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1357587531.094881.jpg
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    Starfish help!!

    I just put a anemone in my tank and a few hundred brittles started completely coming out of the rocks. Then the started shooting out mucus. What is going on?
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    Giant brittle little hole!

    He measures like 20 inches from end to end. He has been trying to fit in this hole for 30 minutes. His body is like 3 inches ImageUploadedByTapatalk1350006106.973923.jpg
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    Id ?

    ImageUploadedByTapatalk1349062648.234173.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1349062691.910813.jpg ImageUploadedByTapatalk1349062704.490316.jpg
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    Need a service on my Teco RA680 chiller

    Anyone know of a person that will come out and charge the chiller. It has gone up a degree so i am guessing the charge is getting low. It has been working fine for years. It takes R134
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    Need id on this Nudi..

    I just got three of these and they were supposed to be lettuce but are far from it. It has colorful spots all over its body and a round like skirt. I was ordering lettuce for combing my rocks.
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    How many people have cleaner shrimp and flamehawk

    I want to order some but need to know if he will eat them. i know they are marked as a cleaner and they should look the other way.
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    cannot get my PH to drop on my calcium reactor???

    Lately i cannot get it to drop. tonight i i went from 1 to 3 bubbles per second and it is at 6.83 and higher. what is going on?
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    A group Garage sale?

    Just had an idea to get rid of the things that I and I am betting every other person in the club has aquired over the years stuffed in closets, garage and ect... We could get a spot somewhere and each person set up there own booth and put there stuff on display. A marine swap meet. Great deals...
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    Aqua Controller II help.

    The other day i manually controlled the lights through the manual option. Ever since i did that the will turn the off and on once or twice and it is back in auto mode.. Anyone have any ideas?
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    SPS Acclimating

    What is the best way to acclimate SPS? I always temp acc then throw them in. Never had any problems but just spent alot of money on some new pieces and my wife is telling me to fresh water dip them. What are your thoughts?
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    This is Ich right? SHES OUT OF THE HOSPITAL! pics

    She has had this for a week now and it is getting worse. She is getting garlic with her food once a day and the water is in great condition. It is making little holes behind her head.
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    PH problems!

    I have set up a new 34 gallon red sea. Problems ever since. I tested the Ph and it was alittle low so i buffed it. That got me thinking. I checked my RODI and it was at 7.2! My tap water was at 8.2. And my tank was at around 8.2. I have a 5 stage filter guy's unit and just replaced...
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    how many people are running UV sterlizers?

    I am thinking on adding one and want to know everyones thoughts. I am running a 240 SPS tank with lots of goodies.
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    Member needing help.

    Big K needs help this evening moving his new tank into hi house for he has a bad back. This is a 240 gallon. Me and donnie are going to help but need some others to hep cause a couple of buddies from work are flakes. Please post here if you would be able to help us. I will talk tyo robert today...
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    looking for Troy aka E Mans ### GOT IT

    Having electrical issues and need to get ahold of him quick
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    Fragging Question

    I am getting in a new Favia and need it split in half. What is the best way to go about this?
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    R.I.P foxface. Beware picture.

    I am so pissed off :x . I have recently switched to koralia 4s because they were supposed to be better and this is what i get. I have alwaysed used maxi jets moded and should not have switched. Why would anyone sell something that there is a possibillity that this could happen. He was my...
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    Ice Cap question?

    Has anyone had their ballast make a wining noice. Cause that is what one of mine are doing. I came home to one of my bulbs off and the ballast making that noice.
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    Bubble counter making micro bubbles????

    I thought it was my bottle being low but when i refilled it it still did it. I set it to 1 bubble every 3 seconds. It will start out bubbling right then a couple minutes later it will turn into micro bubbles. I took down my old setup and it worked then but it was in the sump and now on my new...