Search results

  1. P

    Fish compatibility question (gobies)

    I'm getting ready to finish cycling my tank and was wanting to get two different kinds of clown goby, but I am a little leery of it. I want a yellow clown goby and this will be the first guy/gal into the tank. I also really like the Citrinis variety and wondered if I could get both. I have a...
  2. P

    Fish ideas...

    I recently bought a 26-28g bowfront from a member on here (thank you drew and laura) to get back into the addi, I mean hobby. I wanted to get some advice on fish stocking and so here I am. I am definitely going to have a yellow clown goby, they are some of my favorite fish. I don't want...
  3. P

    I have finally narrowed down my choices for skimmers....

    I am going with either the AquaC Remora (HOB) or the Octopus (HOB) 100. I have read on RC and a couple other places and didn't like the "positive" reviews I read because frankly most of them were all created in December 2007 by new posters with the same pictures in 3-4 different "reef"...
  4. P


    This weekend I went up to the Bedford POR and was able to get 7 heads of Frogspawn for $30 plus tax, thank you very much Chuck (if you're ever on here)! The coral is doing well and looks awesome (just not with my camera phone pix), and I had a couple questions regarding this coral. 1) I have...
  5. P

    Uncle! Clownfish question

    If an ocellaris is kept by itself and is a male, will it automatically turn into a female? Or will it need another ocellaris to turn into a female? Maybe a dumb question but I am having a heckuva time trying to find this out.
  6. P

    Salt Creep

    I have a open tank with eggcrate on it, the only reason I added eggcrate was due to the addition of new fish and the potential for jumpers. I did not like the look and my fish all seem happy so I removed it, but when I removed it I noticed salt on the eggcrate. I assume this due to evap, so...
  7. P

    Molting question

    do pods and/or tiny shrimp "molt" molt? The only reason I ask is because last night when I turned on the powerheads after feeding I noticed 3 "tiny shrimp" molts. They were clear as can be and I have never seen these before or anything like it. I am kinda thinking it was in the food, but...
  8. P

    Fish with an scrape on their head

    This morning I woke up and was looking at my tank to check on everything and just say "good morning," and I noticed a small flap of skin on my YCG's head. Like a scrape from a rock and now he has a little flap of skin there...poor guy. I know there isn't much I can do besides stay on top of...
  9. P

    Fish compatibility question

    I am looking at buying a strawberry psuedochromis from the sales forum on here and had a question about compatibility. I have a YCG, a false perc and a maroon clown that will eventually be leaving if I can ever get him out of the tank...but thats another story. Would the Strawberry Psuedo and...
  10. P

    Worm ID Please, sorry no pic

    This morning I woke up and went to prepare my fish some breakfast, the most important meal of the day ya know, and in my now empty 10 gallon tank that I am using to get rid of some GHA on some rocks I will be putting into my main tank I saw a rather large worm. There were no bristles what so...
  11. P

    Skimmer Suggestions

    Ok, I had a Skilter (240 I believe) and it did a great job at creating micro-bubbles, making noise and being an all around irritant. Unfortunately, it wasn't so great at skimming....go figure. I have a 45g corner tank, no fuge or sump yet, and about a 2" sand bed (I am slowly adding more to it...
  12. P

    Really cool story about a Jawfish

    over on RC. I thought it was pretty cool at least.
  13. P

    45g corner tank - fish list

    TIA I am selling the maroon that is in there currently and this tank will house at first a YCG and a false perc. Of course, there will be some cleaning crew as well. I have about 55-60 pounds of LR, and an additional 5-7 pounds will be added next week after I break my 10g (my first SW tank)...
  14. P

    Upgrade to MH lighting

    Currently I have 130w of PC in my tank, I am upgrading to 250w MH and the tank is roughly 30-36" deep. The only thing in this tank right now is a zoa rock I found on the cheap from a LFS, which is doing fine under the PC's for now, and LR. I have read about slowly introducing the stronger...
  15. P

    cerith egg questions

    TIA for your help. I have seen cerith eggs in "spirals" or some such on the glass in peoples tanks. Well, I have those same spots, they just aren't in any shape, pattern, etc. They are just kinda all over one corner of my glass. They are definitely baby snails of some type, I can see their...
  16. P

    maroon clownfish

    I saw a maroon clownfish yesterday that had only one solid white bar on the front half of its body and two beginnings of white bars directly on top and on bottom in the middle and back half of his body. The WSM was about 2.2-2.5 inches long so it just maybe a juve' still, but not really sure...
  17. P

    Clown Goby Mate?

    Does anyone have an idea of how difficult it would be to find a mate for a yellow clown goby? I've read how they will spawn in an aquarium, and how rough it is on sps, but I am not wanting them for that sole least not anytime soon (a year or more). I know they can be aggressive...
  18. P

    Great problem to have

    I was helping a friend clean out and move a bunch of stuff from his rental house that a tennant had skated out on. I came across a 6' long tank with a canopy (about 125 gal, I wanna say the dims are 60" x 20" x 24" lxwxh), a 40-ish gallon sump w/fuge(with all plumbing), and an additional 30-40...
  19. P

    skunk cleaner molting too often?

    Is it possible for a cleaner shrimp to molt too often? I've had mine for only 1.5-2 weeks and he's already motled twice. Is this normal or a sign of bad things?
  20. P

    Too Good to be True?

    Saw this on Ebay and it just seems waaaaaay too good to be true. I know its still early in the auction (1.5 days left), but its only at $100 right now.... I would just think the complete setup would cost much, much more...