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  1. G

    Stn help

    im starting to get discouraged. Over the last week ive slowly lost some acros to stn. Ive tested my levels and cal wss at 450 alk 10 mag 1300 nitrate between 5 and 10 and phosphates at barly readable on the chart. I do 2g water changes have the radion run 8hrs a day max intensity 25% but only...
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    Anyone using this? How do you like it? I just picked up a bottle and was wondering everyone's opinions
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    protein skimmer

    im looking at getting a different protein skimmer and selling my pls 50. what skimmers should i look at? i have a space of 6.5x6.75( could be adding 2 inches to the depth as sump isnt built yet) to work with.
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    Coral foods

    What does everyone feed? And when do you feed?
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    Guppy breeders future 30g

    I'm going to go ahead an start my build thread so I have a place to get suggestions and help. The tank is a 30g stretched octagon tank 36in long Lighting will be 2 150w metal halides purchased from marc Flow will be 2 jebao rw-4's Return will be a jebao dc6000 Custom...
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    What am I?

    I've had this polyp for awhile now bought is as sunny d, but im not sure anymore its been so long since I got it but im pretty sure they had a purple skirt they have a faint orange ring before the yellow alt=""> alt="">
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    75g overflow options

    I'm looking at options on drilling my new 75g I will be drilling the back wall instead of the bottom simply because of the stand. So im looking at either 2 holes 1 for a main drain and 1 for an emergency drain, or doing a bean animal with 3 hole. Which is better? I want it to run silent Also...
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    T5's for supplemental lighting

    I recently made the switch to metal halide thanks to my leds taking a dump on me. I'm wondering what's everyone's fav bulbs for actinic supplementation? I was looking at ATI gueessmen(sp?) or the kz bulbs if I can find them instock anywhere also is there any lfs in the fort worth vicinity that...
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    Lfs that sells red sea coral pro

    I'm looking for the 55 gallon bucket I found it at one place that has it for 80 but that's a bit outrageous, im just looking to try it before I buy the big bucket to see if I like it. And want to find it local instead of buying it online
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    Led lighting help

    Should I just buy a full spectrum led? I have one that I like the artic SO-26 by coralrevivellc or modify my existing Chinese fixture to be dimmable full spectrum? Also my current fixture is just blue an white non dimmable
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    To add sump or not.

    I have a 15g aio and all the equipment to run a sump, and I so happen to have one around the same size of my tank, should I add it or keep the tank aio?
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    Turnover rates for full sps system?

    What's the recommended flow rate for a full sps system? For a 15g system? Wanting to see if I have to much or to little of flow
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    Mh placement

    How far off the surface of the water should I put a 150w mh of a tank that has a foot print of 19x12.5x12.5? I'm completely lost as I have leds now
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    clownfish eating habbits

    my clowns seem to only want to eat nls pellets or live brine shrimp, ive tried finly minced up silver sides and cyclop-eeze and their just not interested. maybe i should try garlic mixed with food? im outta idead and dont feel like pellets give them a variety of a good diet
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    removing sand from existing tank

    whats the best way to do it? i want to remove my sand bed and go bare bottom as i have tons of flow and my sand is getting kicked up and im worried about it releasing nasties into my water colom, any advise would be appreciated
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    guppy breeders 15G aio nano

    first off my 28g was taken down i set up a 30 long that crashed so i went back with this 15g and then moved some stuff didnt make the move most did so ill start this off with the equipment <u>Equipment</u> 15g aqueon tank cad lights pls 50 skimmer no name 317gph pump Chinese led fixture...
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    nifty ip cam on a budget

    found this vid on youtube thought id share it with everyone here. im in the process of port forwarding now so when i get it up ill post the ip and port so you can check it out firsthand
  18. G

    Couple questions

    Couple questions What brand of salt does everyone use? Why? Growth rates? Additional dosing? Reason I ask is I'm going to switch salt brands soon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    New must have...

    So my bro brought this up to me, blue octodes looked it up freaking sweet, it's my new must have but is there anything I should know about it before I buy some?
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    Return line turning yellow

    Is this normal? alt="">