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    FluVal EVO 13.5 Led replace or repair

    DFWMAS, My father recently passed from COVID and I have his FluVal 13.5 tank returned to me from his nursing home room. When I got the tank home and setup again the light worked at first, then it was cycling between full light and blue light, and now light will not work at all. Can someone share...
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    Help - I just found Aptasia in my tank

    DFWMAS, I just found Aptasia  in one of my marine tanks. This tank has beautiful established coral that I don’t want to upset. Can anyone please suggest how I can get rid of the pest?  thank you in advance!!  
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    Red stuff in my Chaeto - what is it?

      Recently I have had this red stuff growing in my refugium, what is it and how or can I get rid of it? Any help is appreciated, my display tank is fine. 
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    Food for a Dog faced Puffer?

    I have a new dog faced puffer (about 2 1/2 inches long).  He is in a fish only tank.What do you recommend I feed him?Can get him frozen human food from Walmart?I want to make sure that what I feed him is not only nutritious but will help him keep his teeth worn down.I appreciate any ideas
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    Best place to buy Plexiglas for Sump?

    I inherited a 60 gallon sump recently for a 150 gallon tank. The Sump is just a 60 gallon tank without dividers for refugium, bubble catch etc.Can any of you please share with me a local place or website that sells and/or will cut to size my pieces? They would be approximately 3 or 4 "pieces"...
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    Beginner Corals?

    Can anyone recommend to me some hearty beginner corals for my 60 gallon tank? I have been successfully running the tank with a yellow tang, a few clown fish and a cleanup crew. The aquarium is about a year old  and I want to add coral. What Coral do you'all recommend, where to get the coral and...
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    Local Aquarium Movers

    I am about to move locally from Lewisville to Corinth (under 10 miles) and I would like to find an aquarium mover. I have a 60 gallon saltwater, 55 gallon fresh water and 10 gallon saltwater. Can any of you recommend a mover? 