Search results

  1. M

    Looking for ___ at the swap!

    I am looking for some Acros:Shades of Fall, Pearlberry, Strawberry Shortcake, Anyone planning to bring these?
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    Fragging Hawaiian Feather Dusters

    Has anyone fragged these? Can you scrape the bottom of the tube off a rock or will this damage the worm? The ones I have are the large Hawaiian worms, not the small dusters.  Bought one several years ago and now have many.Picture not the best but you can see a new worm that was just expelled...
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    WTB Night Crawler Palys

    I purchased some Night Crawlers from ReefKoi in 2014 (NextWave). I lost my colony last year when my tank crashed. I gave some away to local Reefers so hoping someone still has them. Bright red during the day and bright pink/cherry red in blues.Would like to buy some!
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    When did you last check the calibration on your Refractometer?

    If you are like me, you can't remember. I *think* I checked calibration abt 6 months ago.  Lately I had noticed that my normal x # scoops of salt was not hitting the 1.026 sg I wanted.   I kept having to tweak. I decided to check my meter last week only to find that the calibration solution was...
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    Welcome new addition to our family

    Madelyn Claire decided today was the day to join our family. She was SOOOO excited to meet everyone that she didn't even wait to get to the hospital! Maddie was born on Legacy! Mom and Maddie are doing great despite the impromptu delivery.So if you were on Legacy this morning at 6:25am and saw a...
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    Anemones spawned!!

    Member stopped by today to pick up some Nems and I told him they were acting frisky. With the warm winter I thought they might spawn early this year. Sure enough the males started releasing around 8pm and ?two females around 9.?
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    Anemones *@@*ARGH!!

    So, doing a normal WC today and checking the Anemone tank and see that a Nem is stuck in a port to the over flow area. ARGH . . . the last one that did this split off the part that went though the port and made his way to the return. That was fun! So, OK, I'll watch him. Then my pen light...
  8. M

    Need to upgrade skimmer - help please!

    I have a Red Sea Max S 650. The Aspiration pump is going out on the skimmer and I would like to replace the skimmer due to performance and noise. It is hard to remove and clean, hard to dial in and is a pain in general. Instead of throwing more money at something I hate I am going to just...
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    zooxanthellae Transfer beteen Corals

    A few months ago I commented on a rainbow Nem that I had purchased as a "RBTA" had yellow coloring showing up. Slowly the yellow has progressed until all new tips have the yellow. Pretty cool, but explainable. Then a small neon orange Nem that had just split and spent a few days hiding decided...
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    MarinePure Bio-filter Media

    Since I'm going with minimal rockwork in the DT and do not want lights in the sump I'm looking for filtration suggestions. I have some rubble in the sump with very good sponge growth so just need something augment the cryptic zone. I know several people on the list are using the MarinePure and...
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    Berghia Nudibranchs New order post Mantis

    Since catching the Mantis I have been checking the tank and came to the conclusion that he pretty much ate the first Berghia I had purchased back in November. I ordered 10 more yesterday and they arrived this morning. Although I ordered the 1/4" size I received 8 that are 1/2-3/4" and 2 that...
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    Caught the Mantis

    I told Mike R awhile back that I thought I had a mantis in my display tank. Wasn't sure, but saw eyes watching me from a small cave. Each night the cave would be closed up with rock. Well, last night he didn't close the cave and I watched him reach out and rip a snail out of its shell. Of...
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    RO/DI cracked!

    I wanted to upgrade to a higher capacity, just didn't think I'd have to do it now. I had noticed over the last month that air was seeping into the carbon canister between use. I thought it was the connection to the sink and replaced the fitting. Still got the air and thought "oh, when I get the...
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    Hard Lesson Learned on Bleaching

    I have been in the hobby for 20 years but other than a few Monti I had not ventured into SPS. I set up my 45 cube over a year ago and once it had a year under it and was stable I decided to add SPS to grow out and then frag and move to the Display tank. While the new SPS were growing I started...
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    Help with doser placement

    The time has come for me to automat the tanks. Travel and work schedule is increasing and the spouse is good for over-feeding the fish and pouring RO/DI water into the tanks if needed when I'm out of town but beyond that that he is clueless. I have a 4 pump doser that I want to use for both of...
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    Zoa ID help please

    This Zoa came in with some purple w red skirt palys. I thought my Captain Americas had invaded the purples so I fragged the 2 small polys and then they took off in my tank. Could these be CA morphs? They are: Mouth green Disc orange with yellow stripes outer rim/base of skirt purple skirt green
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    Jason Fox 4th Anniversary Sale

    Spent yesterday cleaning the tanks and participating in the JF Anniversary sale. Picked up some really nice frags and a small colony of JF RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE. Really had a great time but MAN!!! these reefers are FAST on the draw. If a coral did not sell when presented it went on his site and...
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    Astreopora or Montipora???

    I purchased this coral on the bus tour. LFS said it came in as a Montipora but they could not id it. It was a brown ugly lump with large cream polyps. It is starting to turn green with polyps turning green/blue and seems very happy with the other high light montis and acros. When stressed, the...
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    Maxspec Gyre150 or MP40wQD - Reviews??

    Saw the Maxspec Gyre at Elos during the bus tour and was very impressed with the flow it generated. I'm starting to add SPS to the display and need to increase and change up the flow. Currently have 4 pumps in the back overflow that generate 2500 GPH. They are also my largest heat generation...
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    Help with transition to LED lights for MAX S-650

    OK, hit another issue with the T5s today and just want to transition over to LEDS - BUT - I do not want to give up the light fixture. I love the look and the fact that I can raise the front and back panels and push the whole light fixture back for work in the tank. Front and back units can hold...